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How To Email a Resume to an Employer

How To Email a Resume to an Employer

How To Email a Resume to an Employer

Submitting a resume through an online job application is a common practice among employers. However, in some cases, job postings may require you to submit your resume via email. It is crucial to read the job posting carefully and follow any instructions provided by the employer to meet their requirements. Successfully emailing your resume can increase your chances of getting a position or interview.

In this article, we will provide you with simple steps to email your resume and an example email that you can use as a guide to create a successful job application.

Steps to email a resume

Below are steps you can follow to email a resume:

Write a clear subject line

When writing an email, creating a clear and concise subject line is important. If the job description provides specific formatting instructions, make sure to follow them. If not, choose a subject line that conveys the purpose of your message.

Follow instructions

Read all job posting instructions carefully before you send your resume. If the job description requests that you email your resume, the employer might include information about the email you should send in the subject line formatting, their desired file name, and questions for you to answer in the body of the email.

Carefully follow these instructions to ensure the employer views your resume.

Attach a file

Attaching your resume file directly to the email is the easiest way to email it. To do this, first save your resume file as a Word document (.doc,.docx) or PDF (.pdf) file format. You can find the “Save As” option in your toolbar. Employers prefer these two formats, so make sure to choose one of them. While naming the file, ensure it is clear, concise, and meaningful. Avoid generic names like “resume” to make it easier for the employer to identify your file.

When sending your resume to a potential employer, make sure that the file size is less than 10MB and use a format such as.doc ,.docx, or PDF. This ensures that your document will look organized, compatible, and clear on the employer’s computer. Once you have saved your resume in the correct format and named it appropriately, attach it to the email.

In some cases, the employer may ask you to copy and paste the contents of your resume directly into the email in plain text. If this happens, simply copy the content of your resume file and paste it into the body of the email with proper formatting and style.

Send from a professional email address

It’s important to note that the first thing your recruiter or hiring manager sees when they receive your email is the email address you sent it from. To make a good impression, it’s recommended that you use a professional email address that includes your first and last name, such as andrewchen@email.com. If your full name is not available, you can consider a combination of your name and initials. It’s best to avoid using nicknames or numbers in your email address, if possible.

Conclude with a proper signature

It is important to end your message with a professional signature that includes your name and contact information. Additionally, you may choose to include a professional sign-off, such as “regards” or “sincerely.” If you have a personal website, it may also be appropriate to include a link to it in your signature. This section of your message should be straightforward.

[First Name] [Last Name]
[Email address]
[Phone number]


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